My First Gem

- - posted in 10000 Hours, Flatiron School

I passed a huge milestone in my Ruby career this weekend. I published my first gem.

First let me issue the disclaimer that it really isn’t anything to get excited about. It is my first contribution to the world of ruby.

It is called Chillax. We went through and scraped some inspirational sayings from some twitter pages. The gem spits out a random quote when you type ‘chillax’ into the terminal. Not super useful for anything and the code behind the gem is not complicated. We also already found bug that will need to be fixed in version 0.0.2.

It was fun though and it made all three of us feel like we have really gotten somewhere in the past four weeks. WE MADE A GEM! We are now not only users of open source software, we are contributors. In some ways it felt like out initiation. We’re in and this is just the beginning.