Week Five Blog Round-up

- - posted in 10000 Hours, Flatiron School

Here are a few of the highlights from this week’s blog posts from Flatiron students.

Anders’s post, What I Learned from Shipping my First Gem, was an interesting chromical of his experience creating his first gem. This past weekend Sonja and Charlotte and I shipped our first gem, so it was interesting to hear someone else’s experience also. Anders created a simple weather gem to get a super basic weather report at the command line. Check it out: [Simple Forcast[(https://rubygems.org/gems/simple_forecast)

Another interesting bit that came from our disucssion was the immense utility of another gem, Chronic](http://chronic.rubyforge.org/)

Daniel Chang I had to include Daniel’s post on Ruby Exceptions because these are things that have been confusing me as of lately. Not any more!

And a quick honable mention for Manley’s post on Bash Shortcuts.

Thursday during the Flatiron Presents, Michael Polycarpoupresented the Breadth First Algorithm. Along with being a fantastic presentation that brought together several different concepts from computing. Avi pointed out that many of the classic algorithms, including the Breadth First Alforithm, can be found on the Big O Cheat Sheet. Not sure what I’ll do with it, but taking note for a future day when I’m more awesome… and know what to do with a fancy algorithm.

The other group from Thursday’s Flatiron Presents created a fun movie app using Google’s Freebase API (page also includes a nice intro video presentation). I had no idea this existed and… wow. This appears to be a powerful tool. I look forward to playing with it more when project-mode kicks in.