Programming the City

Thoughts on learning to code from a city planner.

Place and Time

Thanks for stopping by. Before arriving here, I spent time in the architecture and city planning worlds. Currently, I’m learning to program at the Flatiron School in New York City.

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Week Six Blog Round-Up

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We’re now at the half-way point in our program. 6 weeks down, 6 to go until we are free people out in the world building awesome applications. A few of this week’s post from the Flatiron students at this momentous milestone.

Testing: The Missing Cliff Notes

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We started working with tests at the Flatiron School in week two. Every week tests have grown in complexity and we’ve encorporated new tools into our repetoir.

Naming the World

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We’re coming up on National write a Novel Month. In November you can join thousands of aspiring writers from around the country for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).